M-Color – Plugin for Presentation Drawings

M-Color, developed by Cadalyst LABS is a very easy to use plugin with AutoCAD for making 2D presentation drawings.It improves the quality and appearance of AutoCAD designs. You can apply graphic effects to whole AutoCAD layers and save color configurations for re-use with other drawings – an essential feature for productive CAD work. Here is … Continue reading

Creativity Unlimited : Scope of Architecture as profession

A profession in architecture is much sought after now-a-days…. Since the origin of mankind, a roof over one’s head had been one of the basic needs, the other two being food and clothing. Whether architecture as a profession existed in India may be debated but it was the artisans and craftsmen who built temples, palaces … Continue reading

Building Bye-laws of Amritsar (Punjab)

These Building bye-laws of Amritsar may be called the Municipal Council (Erection and Re-erection of Building) Bye-laws, 2007. These shall come into force at once. These building Bye-Laws shall apply to the entire area of Municipal Council or to such other areas, as the State Government may extend by notification in the official gazette. Here is a presentation … Continue reading

Earthwork in excavation in foundations

Excavation – Trenches shall be dug to exact width of foundation and to the maximum should be vertical (vertically especially to maximum height as the thickness of lean concrete is 8 to 10 inches. In case of loose soil, extra payment for shoring may be required to retain the soil. Material shall be placed minimum … Continue reading

Another concept for Building Green

I guess everyone atleast once in their lifetime must have used shadows of tree to protect themself from scorching sunlight. Here is a small article which tells about the benefits of building green environment in the present world. http://buildinggreenlife.wordpress.com/2009/08/20/saving-through-shades-of-trees/ http://green-growth.blogspot.com

Architecture doors open for all

Students from even commerce and humanities streams can pursue course: Many students are still unaware that architecture is a career option even for those who did not take up science in class XII. Those from commerce and humanities streams can also get into architecture provided they have studied mathematics in class XII. According to the … Continue reading